
Learn dialects with the control of music.

A fellow named Paul Custance from Sony Music came to see us with a extraordinary thought. He had the phenomenal brainwave to combine Sony’s music catalogue with a gamified app to educate individuals distinctive dialects. It was not indeed Sony Music’s center trade! But what on the off chance that he may persuade them to contribute in this unused wander? It was an yearning recommendation, and one we couldn’t stand up to.


Web & versatile app advancement

Our group of item directors, UX architects and app designers are specialists in web and versatile application advancement. Cross-platform app advancement may be a strength of our React and React Native engineers. Whereas the internet, iOS, and Android are the essential stages for our diversion engineers.

Incline & Spry

Incline and dexterous improvement approaches are utilized by our app engineers, empowering us to be straightforward almost our work. This empowers our clients to grant need to the work that's most profitable to them. This practice makes a difference within the plan and advancement of computer program that benefits clients as well as your association.

React Native

We are your perfect accomplice for cross-platform app improvement. We are one of the UK's beat computer program advancement companies that practice in React and React Native. Since 2015, React and React Native have been our stage of choice.

Game Development

To lock in gatherings of people in substance, we create genuine recreations, immersive play, and gamification frameworks. Gamification in wellness and healthcare apps, wellness trackers, and instructive diversions include fun and competition to rouse, and propel.


Mint Diagnostics was established within the tech cluster of Cambridge. Mints mission is to rethink how hormone information can be collected, dissected and utilized to make strides wellbeing and execution. We have a track record creating prosperity, wellness and healthcare apps and are perfect innovation accomplices. Our group of UX originators and app engineers have been making a difference Mint from the exceptionally begin.


Design Thinking

Our client involvement creators utilize Plan Considering as their technique within the computerized item plan prepare. Plan considering helps in understanding individuals, producing and approving thoughts, and iteratively planning and creating apps. We create incline UX prototypes early on within the digital item improvement prepare. By doing this, we will guarantee that our app designers are centering on creating tried-and-tested usefulness.

Get it & identify

What do individuals need, and why do they need it? We utilize devices as portion of our incline UX plan approach to understand with the client. From straightforward perception to co-design workshops, play testing or card sorting works out.

Investigate & model

Examine concepts by rapidly creating UX models and testing them. For this, you might utilize write and paper, intelligently UX models, or a totally useful segment of an app. The objective is to approve the advanced item concept and give answers at each step.

Test & actualize

Discharge a item for the net or versatile, and track the execution of the app. Keep an eye on client conduct and analytics. Conduct A/B testing to organize the app's most imperative changes and emphasize the highlights.

Relationship Objectives

Relationship Objectives may be a gaming-based advanced apparatus and web stage for schools. It makes a difference neurodiverse youthful individuals and those with learning incapacities (SEND) to get it and hone solid connections. Computerized advancement is financed by the Tech for Great support.

Program Improvement Administrations

What do you need to do?

Our program improvement administrations span the complete lifecycle of computerized item improvement. Beginning with item methodology, UI & UX plan, custom program advancement, and ending with product dispatch. Ready to assist you in accomplishing your objectives. Whether you need to make a incline UX model to test a item thought. Test the advertise with a incline MVP. Dispatch your advanced item or reconsider an existing app.

CUSTOM Computer program Improvement

A boutique organization

We are one of the best boutique program advancement and UX plan companies within the UK. Able to work with you over the computerized item advancement lifecycle and offer assistance direct you within the right heading. From item definition and MVP through to item dispatch and past. We are able back you each step of the way.

Computerized Item Improvement

We're a Tech for Great company

As a Tech for Great company, we are energetic approximately planning and creating program that creates people's lives way better. We collaborate with businesses, new companies, and non-profit associations who need to alter the world. Whether it be cutting-edge computerized administrations, instructive diversions, gamification frameworks, or savvy healthcare apps.


Time is valuable when a quiet is analyzed with Numerous Myeloma. Treatment and getting way better is the patients to begin with need whereas the rest of their life is put on hold. But time and cancer do not hold up. So why ought to they?

A life-changing determination

When somebody gets the life-changing determination of Numerous Myeloma their world stops. The UX group outlined the TimeKeeper Apple Observe app to challenge recognitions of time. TimeKeeper makes a difference individuals living with Numerous Myeloma recover the time that cancer takes absent.

Download this app and start saving stuff forLet's Conversation

Conversation to us almost your commerce plans. Ready to help with the creation of your up and coming versatile app, web application, or genuine diversion.

Our learned staff of app architects and program engineers are accessible to reply all of your request. No matter how straightforward or complex they may be.

Whether it is approximately computerized item advancement, client encounter plan, or custom program improvement able to offer assistance. free

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Registration Number HE 441887


3, Artemidos Street, 1st floor

6025 Larnaca
